How To Make Smoothies With Yogurt

How To Make Smoothies With Yogurt - A Healthier Way Of Living

how to make smoothies with yogurt

There are 4 main steps when considering how to make smoothies with yogurt. 

  1. Pick what fruit to use.
  2. Determine a sweetener, if any.
  3. Decide what yogurt or other dietary supplements you might add.
  4. And 3 Ice Cubes, Blend the ingredients and enjoy!
For our example below we will go over a simple strawberry banana smoothie recipe and after that you will have a good idea how to go about making healthy smoothie drinks for your friends and family!

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strawberry banana smoothie recipe

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe

Fruit  - Strawberries and Bananas

Sweetener - 1 Tsp Honey or Stevia Leaf Extract

Yogurt/Supplements - Low Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (High in protein!) and 1 Tsp Amazing Grass Green Superfood

3 Ice Cubes

Of course we always suggest a professional grade blender like the Ninja Professional Blender but almost any blender or food processor will work!

For more simple fruit smoothie recipes check out our previous post about 10 Healthy Smoothies For Weight Loss!


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