Strawberry Banana Oat Smoothie - Lowfast And Easy

Strawberry Banana Oat Smoothie - Lowfast And Easy

Smoothies are popular nowadays. We drink them as a different option for undesirable unhealthy beverages or as a form of meal replacement. Be that as it may, would they say they are truly healthy and good for you? They certainly can be! 

A good starter recipe for smoothies with nutritious ingredients and nutritional benefit is to blend juice, fruit or frozen fruit, oil (flax seed oil or a high quality nutritional oil blend) and an excellent nutritional powder.  All fixings ought to be natural and the juice ought to be naturally squeezed and organic when possible. You can utilize any kind of natural product or any sort of fruit juice that you prefer, be creative and try new things.


Add oats to blender and mix until it turns into a fine powder. Add remaining fixings to the blender and mix until smooth. Top with more oats or oat clusters! Serve promptly.

Next Page >>>>> Easy Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe - Pineapple Blueberry Smoothie


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