How To Make Smoothies With Yogurt
How To Make Smoothies With Yogurt - A Healthier Way Of Living There are 4 main steps when considering how to make smoothies with yogurt. Pick what fruit to use. Determine a sweetener, if any. Decide what yogurt or other dietary supplements you might add. And 3 Ice Cubes, Blend the ingredients and enjoy! For our example below we will go over a simple strawberry banana smoothie recipe and after that you will have a good idea how to go about making healthy smoothie drinks for your friends and family! Diet Plan To Lose 23 Pounds In 21 Days In A Healthy Way! Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe Fruit - Strawberries and Bananas Sweetener - 1 Tsp Honey or Stevia Leaf Extract Yogurt/Supplements - Low Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (High in protein!) and 1 Tsp Amazing Grass Green Superfood 3 Ice Cubes Of course we always suggest a professional grade blender like the Ninja Professional Blender but almost...